POIAP Bible Study
Welcome to POIAP Bible Study!
What is POIAP?
POIAP is a Bible study method that revises the OIA method by adding prayers in the beginning and at the end of the study.
P - Pray: Ask God for help to know His Word
O - Observe: What does Scripture say?
I - Interpret: What does Scripture mean?
A - Apply: How do I need to respond?
P - Pray: Ask God for help to obey His Word
Why do we use POIAP?
There are many reasons. Here are some of them:
- Every Bible believer should read the Bible. (Joshua 1:8)
- Every believer can understand what God wants to reveal to us through the Bible. (1 Peter 1:3)
- The key to understanding the Bible is how much we rely on the author of the Bible-the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:10-11)
- We need some tools to study the Bible for better understanding and application. (Acts 17:11)
POIAP is the tool that can help us!
What are the goals of POIAP?
- POIAP is to help us stay closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. (Psalm 119:11, James 4:8a)
- POIAP is to help us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. (Romans 12:2)
- POIAP is to support our daily walk with our God. (Micah 6:8)
POIAP can be used as our daily devotion. POIAP can also be used in group Bible study.
Who can use POIAP to study the Bible?
Anyone who wants know the Creator, the Savior through the Bible can use POIAP. It doesn't matter how much education you have.
What matters is your willingness and your commitment. There are many good Bible study methods besides POIAP. If you are a Christian, you need to study the Bible anyway. Get a good tool and immerse yourself in God's Word.
"I have been a Christian for over 20 years and have been actively serving in the church. I found it difficult to understand the Bible without listening to the sermons or through the commentaries. Through the training of using POIAP, I found that I could not only understand the Bible, but also enjoy studying the Bible. I finally experienced the sweetness of God's Word."
"How sweet are your promises to my taste, more than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103)
What's next?
Register an account and join us a five weeks POIAP training. You will be learning how to use POIAP to study a section of the Bible. The trainer will give you feedback to help you use POIAP better.
Once you complete the stage one training, if you decide to continue, you can invite your friends to join the training. You will help them to go through stage one while you are working on your stage two.
"Real" learning starts in stage two.